
Coursera is a platform for studying which offers around 2000 online courses from different fields(Arts and Humanities, Business, Computer Science, Data Science, Life Sciences, Math and Logic, Personal Development, Physical Sciences, Language Learning).It was created in 2012 by Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng, two computer science professors from Stanford University who started with the idea to share their knowledge and skills with people all around the world. In order to make their courses available for everyone equally, they offered courses online and in that way got more students than they ever had in their classes, over several months.

Today, Coursera cooperates with 147 partners in 29 countries and in this way offers opportunities for self-education and distant learning which every student can adjust to their needs and listen to lectures from the best teachers around.


Courses last from several weeks to several months and have an interactive learning design with video lectures, knowledge tests, tasks, with opportunities to communicate with fellow students through forums, and so help in solving tasks.

Lectures and lecturer support for every course are free. By the end of the course students can get e-certificate.


Try it now!

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